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Browser compatibility
This website has been designed to be accessible to as wide an audience as possible. All web pages have been written to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard, using CSS Style Sheets for the presentation which means this site should be usable on all web browsers that support those standards.
WAI standards compliance
Some older browsers such as Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 4 do not fully support these standards. People still using these browsers will still be able to navigate the site, however, the content will be displayed with a basic layout and the experience will not be as intended.
The site template has been designed to meet the "AAA" level of compliance with the WAI Accessibility Guidelines and wherever possible, pages within the template will meet this standard. Where this has not been possible, pages should meet at least "A" compliance.
Text size
Users with impaired vision wishing to increase the text size of the site can do so in the following ways:
In Internet Explorer (PC) and Firefox, use the View > Text Size menu
In Netscape 7 and Internet Explorer (MAC), use the View > Text Zoom menu
If your browser is not one of the above, read the help or documentation provided with the browser software to find out how to do it.